Property One Valuation

Receive a free valuation of your property in Brussels.

Afair and objective valuation

Selling an apartment or a house is not something to be taken lightly. Do not take any risks and entrust the valuation of your property to us in order to obtain a satisfactory sales price in line with the market, whilst benefiting from legal protection.

Property One Valuation

5 étapes

  • Visit to and measurement of your property

    Visit to and measurement of your property

  • Analysis of the location

    Analysis of the location

  • Analysis of the town planning department data

    Analysis of the town planning department data

  • Comparative analysis

    Comparative analysis

  • Evaluation of the fittings

    Evaluation of the fittings

Request your valuation

Your Brussels real estate agency will contact you as quickly as possible to schedule a visit to your property.

Property One Valuation

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